Workshops: Nurturing Transformation Through Embodied Wisdom

Welcome to a diverse range of transformative workshops curated by Dr. Giselle Ruzany, blending mindful movement, expressive arts, and Gestalt principles. Each workshop is crafted to empower individuals and groups on their unique journey of self-discovery and growth.


  1. “Embodied Boundaries: A Journey Through Gestalt Dance”
    • Explore the art of boundaries through embodied practices, combining mindful movement and Gestalt principles for a transformative experience.
  2. “Creative Exploration: Expressive Arts for Personal Growth”
    • Dive into the world of expressive arts, unlocking creativity and self-expression as tools for personal growth and discovery.
  3. “Finding Balance: Mindful Movement for Stress Reduction”
    • Learn techniques of mindful movement to reduce stress and cultivate balance in the face of life’s challenges.
  4. “Embodied Leadership: Navigating Challenges with Presence”
    • A workshop designed for leaders, focusing on embodied leadership skills to enhance presence, communication, and decision-making.
  5. “Healing Through Movement: Somatic Approaches to Healing Transgenerational Trauma”
    • Delve into somatic psychology and dance to explore repairing and healing ancestral trauma.
  6. “Gestalt Inquiry: Unveiling Personal Insights through Movement and a touch of EMDR”
    • Engage in dialog with others, combining movement inquiry and bilateral stimulation to gain profound insights into one’s awareness of the self, the other, and the co-created field.
  7. “Mindful Creativity: Connecting with the Wisdom of the Body”
    • Harness the power of mindfulness and creativity to connect with your body’s wisdom and enhance overall well-being by engaging in the many levels and layers of embodied consciousness.

What to Expect:

  • Expert Guidance: Dr. Giselle Ruzany is a seasoned practitioner with a background in Gestalt therapy, expressive arts, and somatic psychology, who often collaborates with other experts in the field, delivering excellent workshops, guest lectures, classes, and presentations.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in interactive activities, discussions, and transformative practices tailored to each workshop’s theme.
  • Safe and Supportive Environment: Create connections in a safe and supportive space that encourages exploration and personal discovery.

Join Us on the Path to Transformation

Explore the upcoming workshops and embark on a journey of self-discovery, creativity, and empowerment. Each workshop offers a unique opportunity to tap into the wisdom of the body and foster personal growth. Please send a request to get informed about our next workshop, by sending us a message through our contact page.